Indigenous governments are often engaged in negotiations with other governments, including those that seek to reconcile Indigenous and Crown jurisdiction and authority. We negotiate and advise on multiple types of agreements that set out these nation-to-nation, government-to-government relationships, such as reconciliation agreements, treaties, revenue-sharing agreements, local servicing agreements, and shared decision-making agreements.
Advising on the implementation of historical and modern treaties, reconciliation agreements, shared decision-making, and revenue and benefit-sharing.
Assisting Indigenous governments at the nation, community, watershed, provincial, and federal levels, in negotiating governance agreements and agreements for past, ongoing, and future impacts, including those related to hydroelectric developments, mining, forestry, and other land-use activities.
Developing and negotiating servicing agreements with neighboring municipalities for water, sewer, fire protection, police, and other local services.
Negotiating reconciliation agreements, treaties, revenue-sharing agreements, local servicing agreements, shared decision-making agreements, and all manner of agreement between Crown and Indigenous governments.
Our team has experience advising Indigenous governments on all manner of agreements with Crown governments. From negotiating modern treaties to implementing shared decision-making agreements, we have the experience and the expertise to ensure that the rights and interests of our clients are advanced and protected in ways that reflect their cultures and values. Click on a photo of a team member to read their full bio and see their contact information.