Practice Areas

Administrative & Regulatory Law

We represent Indigenous governments in regulatory processes, including Crown consultation and judicial review. We strive in our work to uphold our clients’ decisions and ensure that the Crown upholds its constitutional obligations.

Photo credit: Doane Gregory

Assisting First Nations to Navigate Regulatory Regimes

We work to ensure that impacts to Aboriginal and treaty rights are addressed in consultation processes, environmental assessments, and other regulatory processes for proposed projects. We help amplify the voices of Indigenous groups to advance self-government and self-determination.

Salmon swimming in a river
Photo credit: Doane Gregory

Our work includes:


Advising Indigenous governments participating in environmental assessments and other regulatory processes and appearing before administrative tribunals to advocate for the rights and interests of our clients.

Judicial Review

Challenging decisions and other administrative action taken by the Crown and administrative tribunals through judicial review proceedings.

Supporting Aboriginal Jurisdiction

Advising Indigenous governments and institutions exercising jurisdiction and supporting and defending their decision-making processes.

Our Administrative & Regulatory Law Team

Our team has experience providing a broad range of legal services to Indigenous governments and businesses navigating administrative or regulatory regimes. Click on a photo of a team member to read their full bio and see their contact information.

What Our Clients Say

Mandell Pinder LLP is really looking after our best interests; it’s one thing I really noticed. Their sole interest was for the betterment of the Xatśūll First Nation and we’re proud to be associated with Mandell Pinder LLP.

– Councillor Pat Sellars, Xatśūll First Nation

Photo credit: Doane Gregory